Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunity in Ireland
seg, 26/10/2020
Português, Brasil
Applications are welcome from postdoctoral students who have completed PhD studies in the period May 2016-May 2021 to apply for funding to continue their career within the Business Information Systems discipline at National University of Ireland, Galway.
Applicants may be in any area of Information Systems but preferably with specialisms in one of the following areas:
- Business analytics
- IS development
- IS project management
- IS security and privacy
- IS ethics
- Influence of digital technologies on wellbeing, performance, and work-life conflict
- Decision-making and IS
- Digital transformation
- Flexibility and IS
- IS education, Learning Analytics, ICT and Learning
- Open Innovation, Open Source Software, Inner Source, Peer-Production, Open Business Models, Value Networks, Crowdsourcing
- eGovernment and public sector IS
- Measuring the performance and value of IS
The deadline for applications is November 19, 2021.
Potential applicants may submit enquiries to: Dr. Michael Lang J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics National University of Ireland, Galway
Business Information Systems Discipline @ NUI Galway website: